D-Photo - May 2016.pdf | 10 MB
Over the past few months, a common term has been bouncing of the metaphorical walls
of the photography world, and that term is ‘photo book’.
I’m a book lover from way back — I tried the transition to the e-book world, but, apart
from carrying a lighter load on public transport, I really did not get into it. Being able to flip
physical pages is what I’m all about, and there’s nothing I love more than being able to go
to my bookshelf, pick up a book, and settle in for a trip to faraway places without leaving
the comfort of my own home.
I feel as if it would be a similar experience with a photo book. The idea of physically holding a
photographer’s entire project, one they may have been working on for months, or even
years, and being able to absorb everything within its pages, is such an exciting thought.
We’re all used to seeing images on our computer screen and visiting exhibitions to see the
big, blown-up, beautifully presented photographs on display, but now you can access a
full-on exhibition while you’re on the train, right down to the manner of presentation that
the photographer specifically designed for you to experience it in.
Another recurring theme here at D-Photo is ‘competition’. That’s right, it’s that time of
the year again already — the 2016 Sigma D-Photo Amateur Photographer of the Year
competition is now open for submissions. We’re very pleased to welcome CR Kennedy’s
Sigma back on board again this year as the naming-right sponsor of the event — we’ve
got a few new tricks up our sleeve with this year’s competition, and it’s fantastic to have
support from all the competition’s sponsors.
This year sees us launch two brand-new categories: Aerial and Macro. Now’s the chance
to launch that drone you got for Christmas into the sky and start experimenting. Our
Junior category also makes a return, as do the well-established categories of Creative,
Landscape, Monochrome, Nature, People, and Travel. I’m especially excited, as, thanks
to the new website that we launched a few months back, this year’s competition looks
incredibly fresh and clean. And there are plenty more ways to get your Facebook and
Instagram accounts involved this year, thanks to social-media entry options and gallery
image sharing.
You’ll be hearing plenty from me over the coming months via Instagram, Facebook, the
website, and, if you’re signed up for our newsletter, you’ll get me in your inbox every so
often. But don’t leave me hanging! I love hearing from you all as well, so make sure you hit
that reply button and let me know what you’re working on so that I can share the news or
come along and check it out myself!