08 Nightscapes
Capture striking images of the night sky without any expensive equipment
or even a telescope – and learn how to use the horizon to the best effect.
20 The Moon
All the ways you can exploit the incredible imaging potential of our close
companion, from simple smartphone snaps to highly detailed mosaics.
32 The planets
Discover how to record Earth’s neighbours in the Solar System through your
telescope, from tiny Mercury to the mighty gas giant Jupiter.
42 The Sun
How to capture the dynamism of our star safely in white light, hydrogen-alpha
or calcium-K, whether you have a solar scope or plan to filter a regular instrument.
52 The deep sky
Explore the tools and techniques you’ll need to get started in imaging galaxies,
globular clusters and nebulae with our deep-sky tutorials.
62 Advanced deep sky
Take your deep-sky imaging further with our tips on autoguiders, filters,
alignment techniques, false-colour palettes and more.
72 Feature: Take your astro
imaging to the next level
Got the idea but not the gear? Find out how kit upgrades can improve your images.
80 Solar System objects:
Basic techniques
Enhance detail and bring out the colour in the planets with our
masterclasses on image processing for Solar System objects.
88 Solar System objects:
Advanced techniques
Return fuzzy stars to bright points, reverse the rotation of planets and
bring our neighbours to life in animations with our advanced tips.
96 Deep-sky objects:
Basic techniques
Stack and blend deep-sky images and say goodbye to light pollution:
it’s all possible with image editing know-how.
104 Deep-sky objects:
Advanced techniques
Learn how to shoot calibration frames, process narrowband-filtered
images and add extra layers of detail to your deep-sky photos.
114 What to do next
Five things you can do to continue your astrophotography journey.
11 MB | The Complete Guide to Astro Photography