In previous years, CA’s money-themed
specials have featured visual metaphors
galore, including a scratchcard-style ‘salary
survey’ in 2014, and a slightly more inyour-
face giant gold coin, featuring a fist
clutching a wad of bank notes, in 2015.
This issue, following a turbulent year
of Brexit and Trump-related uncertainty
in global markets, we decided to draw
financial inspiration from the peaks
and troughs of the stock exchange.
Designed in-house by CA’s art editor
Jo Gulliver, this issue’s cover references
the information boards on the trading
floor, packed with data about the latest
rises and falls on the market – while the
matrix of LED-style dots that make up
the main headline have been embossed
by our friends at Celloglas.
Watch the emboss being applied at Celloglas
in our latest making-of video – plus many
of our other special covers being finished –
10 Trends
FranklinTill’s look at the latest trends for 2017 focuses
on surrealist shapes in product and furniture design
14 my design space
We go behind the scenes with artist Will Barras in
his two London work spaces: his flat and his studio
15 new venTures
Julie Anixter from AIGA and Doug Powell from IBM
discuss how their groundbreaking new partnership
could help shape the future of design
16 evenTs
We report on Adobe’s latest Creative Meet Up, Animade’s
Sauce 2 series of talks, and the Stack Awards 2016,
celebrating the world’s finest indie magazines